On the last Developer CD there were three "Mini-Grinders". Little programs that when you drop an icon of a file, disk, or folder on them they would do a very handy little thing.
I was really taken by them, and have been working on some of my own
MiniGrinders, and here they are
text-MPW • Drop a text file on it, and it will change the creator to be
MPS so MPW will open them when you double click on them.
lf-cr • Drop a text file on it, and it will change all the linefeeds to carriage
returns. Great for files from unix machines!
CleanDelete • Drop a file or several files (sorry, not folders or disk) on the
dump truck, and it will delete them immediately. If you hold down option when you drop them on the truck, the contents will be zeroed before the file is deleted safe-guarding your data. I have not been able to undelete any of the files deleted by Clean Delete. Your mileage may vary.
Ghost • Every month, I get two or three CDs that I am constantly having to refer back to. But I hate the fact that I must wade through all sorts of crap
to get what I want. And sometimes I want to change the position, size or view
of a window, and next time you open the CD, boom back where it was. Drop
a disk (CD, hard disk, appleshare volume, even a floppy) on the Ghost Icon, and it will ask you where to create the graveyard. The graveyard consists of everything that is in the volume, folders are made into folders, not alias's of folders, files are made into aliases of the file. That makes finding things fast.
All folders and views and icon positions are exactly the same as they are on the original. But you can change or delete anything you don't need, from the
ghost. There are alot of possiblities for expansion of this utility, and I will
be working on it further. If you want the source, just e-mail me.
If you enjoy or benefit from any of these utilities, drop me a note, and if you want to send a copy of your software to me, that would be great also. I can
be reached below.
scott anguish
vox 519 886-0885
fax 519 886-3673
AOL anguish1
AppleLink D6870
Internet uunet.uu.net!sanguish@digifix (I think that is the correct format)
CS 73247,443
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a serious disorder of the mind that more than 3 percent of the American population will suffer from during their lifetime. You likely know someone with OCD now, but sufferers are expert at hiding their obsessive behavior. Repeated checking, excessive handwashing or showering, excessive organizing, and hoarding are but a few of the symptoms.
If you think you have OCD, and want to learn more, read "The Boy Who Couldn't Stop Washing" by Dr. Judith L. Rapoport. ISBN 0-452-26365-4.
There are drugs and behavior therapy that can help considerably, and in many cases, the symptoms will disappear completely. If you have any questions, contact me at the above addresses.